На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Conspiracy Daily Gazette

29 подписчиков

Do We Need Government To Be Safe? Answer inside

Our current economic system and the concept of ownership is flawed as well, look into The Venus Project! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiJ4jDD-JYM

End civilization? If this is civilization then it's worth ending it

Multi-Culturalism is largely a failure.  People who are unwilling to adapt to their environment (surrounding native culture) and instead seek to terraform their environment (spread their foreign culture) are detrimental to the identity of any nation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAo1QZYNEFo

ASTEROID Will Hit Earth in near Future

End civilization? If this is civilization then it's worth ending it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pF9ilPFBzs

ISIS Annihilated, World War 3 Begins

The end of the world has been predicted for thousands of years. It was predicted in 1000 AD. Remember Dec. 21,2012? Remember that Camping guy? It's all a bunch of hogwash.
When it doesn't happen, I love to rub the noses of the people predicting this nonsense in their own crap.

Proof That New World Order is Real in 10 Minutes

Another reason they want to control the net! So the truth doesn,t get out about stuff! http://youtu.be/OdelTURFrSM

Картина дня
